Our Team

  • Carlyn (Mande') Payton

    Carlyn (Mande') Payton , Design Director MoodByTyessen, LLC.

    Mande' incorporates Mood trend and fashion design enterprise methods to MoodByTyessen. She has years of business management in creative and corporate markets that encompass the trends of the psyche of women's fashion! Mande' truly inspires us all through her key fashion sense in curvy gals confidence! Contact us today if you need a style expert to help access your most confident fabric pairings!

  • Adriel (AD) Wood

    Adriel (AD) Wood, Production Director MoodByTyessen, LLC.

    AD is a true artist in every sense of the word! She is able to capture your moments even when you didn't know that was the moment! She brings over 20 years of photography, creative design, and cinematography to MoodByTyessen. We are super grateful to have her on our team! Have a photoshoot or need a promo video? Contact us today! We will surely put a package together for you!

  • Tanya (Tan) Myers

    Tanya (Tan) Myers, Marketing Director MoodByTyessen, LLC.

    Tan has worked in the fashion and cultural arts arena for over 24 years. She brings such a zest and zeal for the inclusion of people, fabrics, moods, and setting responsible trends for all body types! Her ability to look at fabrics and see it in motion in different environments and seasons is simply phenomenal. Through her keen sense of style, we are able to purchase beautiful pieces that flow in design and style! Check out our seasonal collection! Tell us what you think?